Is Ransomware Affecting You?
1. Security Updates
Ransomware known as CryptoLocker and CryptoWall are known to encrypt files, which locks up an infected computer making it virtually useless for performing basic functions or surfing the Internet.
When we hear of ransom, we immediately think that a person is being held hostage until certain monetary demands are met. While such instances hold true in the real world, the same can be said about ransomware in the fast-moving world of computers and the Internet.
These two infections pose a serious threat since it can affect Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. The strength of the encryption can lock important files such as images, videos, audio, PDF files, MS Office files, and other types of files and apps and can put your systems at risk if the threats are not removed even loss of your personal or business data (OH NO).
2. Performance Updates
- Always backup your important files: The most important step you can take to secure your system against ransomware is to regularly perform a system backup to safeguard your valuable data.
- Avoid spam emails: Do not open suspicious email attachments and links.
- Updates : Update your operating system, Antivirus software regulary and patch and maintain your operating system, anti-malware, firewall, Java, browsers, and keep other software up-to-date.
- Strong passwords: Reduce the risk of identity theft by setting up unique passwords for different accounts. To insure strong passwords try to use between 12-18 characters uppercase, numbers and symbols
Important Tip!
Have a backup solution in place such as keeping your important files in a 3rd party data storage to evade ransomware attacks.