Flat Gecko Design

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Find your Perfect Domain

The right domain makes your Business appear credible and professional. Ideally, it should match your company or brand name.

For example, if you’re the owner of Chris Sneakers. You can register chrisneakers.com.au (if you’re operating in Australia) or chrissneakers.com.

Keep in mind that your chosen domain can be taken by a domain squatter or a separate organization. You can use the domain search tool on this website to check if your domain is available. If it is, it’s always a good idea to register before your competitors do. If not, you can opt for variations of your chosen domain.

Given the example above, you can use chrissneakersau.com or chrisneakers.com.

Do note, however, that this may confuse your customers. So, it’s best to research and create a list of options before registering a domain.

What Is Domain Squatting

Domain squatting, also known as cybersquatting, occurs when an individual or organization registers or uses a domain name with bad faith intent to profit from a trademark belonging to someone else.

The squatter then offers to sell the domain to the rightful trademark owner at an inflated price, exploiting the legal owner’s need for the domain.

You may liken it to “domaining,” but these parallel terms have different intentions. With domaining, you buy valuable domain names from numerous buyers based on the latest trends, customer interest, and more. You then auction the domain names and sell them to the highest bidder or via a domain broker.